More About NSWCTA

Welcome to N.S.W. Chinese Tennis Association Inc. at DownUnder, Sydney, Australia.

We are a group of enthusiasts who enjoy promoting tennis as an outdoor sport to our Community.

This is a non-profit organisation whose success has been through the dedication of successive administrative teams working together in putting their time and energies to the sport.

In the early days, during the time of the Depression (History) Tennis was a way of keeping social contact within the Chinese Community. In the days when the commercial world in Sydney was smaller, local Communities establish themselves in the Eastern Suburbs. And what began as an excuse to meet regularly for tennis and an exercise to keep the body and mind active during those times, developed into a meaningful competitive spirit amongst the five founding clubs.

It formed an Association in 1936, the N.S.W Chinese Tennis Association. Sydney has grown, and so has the Community spreading widely over new suburbs, forming social groups in homes with tennis courts, suburban facilities and clubs. In keeping with the times, it became Incorporated on 5th December 1989.

The Association sponsors teams at Inter-District Competition levels and many of our members participate at local weekly Competitions and Tournaments.

At N.S.W. Chinese Tennis Association Inc. (join us) we have Annual Events as well as regular weekly tennis social groups (Sunday Social).

N.S.W. Chinese Tennis Association Inc. has been supported over the years by sponsorship of Sydney Businesses [if you wish to Sponsor] many products of which pertains to the sport of tennis such as equipment, footwear, uniforms, products and services our members use from day to day.

Total visitors to site: 77366

Tennis is an international sport followed by sportsmen and sportswomen throughout the world (Tennis News). It is a lifetime sport played at both social and competitive levels (Tennis NSW and NSW Hardcourt Tennis Association) all in the spirit of the game.


Nowadays amongst our social tennis group, our activities (Events) include an Annual Championship, teams to represent the Association in the Inter-District N.S.W. Hardcourt Tennis Competition (NSW Hardcourt Tennis Association) and our members play in both local Competitions and State Veteran (Tennis Senior NSW) events.

You are welcome to join us (Application form – pdf ) as members in our activities.


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