About Us

Old_PictureOur Mission

We are a non-profit organisation. Our goal is to promote the game of tennis to the greater Chinese Australian Community.


The Association had its origin in 1936 when the first Chinese tournament was initiated by Bill Lowe to promote competitive tennis among players from the five Chinese Clubs.
Read more about our history

Our Logo

Our logo is an emblem designed with streaks of Flames propelling a Tennis Ball.Each of the five streaks of Flame represents the Five Founding Tennis Clubs.

More about our Logo.


We have released a new designed Association Shirt.

Contact Peter Yet to buy one and wear it with pride.

Children $15, adults $20


We have members from a range of ages, from promising children, competitive youths, adults, to seniors and veterans. Skill levels range from learners to mentored players, who enjoy playing tennis, competitively and socially.


Our committee is elected by the members at the AGM. Our committee is voluntary and is the key to our success.
Meet our Committee Members who kindly volunteer their time and make the Association work.


Membership is open to all members of the Community. The Association had members referred to as Ordinary and Associate. At the AGM on 5th August 2018, a significant amendment was made and the Association is now open to everyone as Members.
New Member Application form
Membership Renewal Form

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